Wednesday, October 31, 2018

MSMS Music Dep't Concert Dates


Our 2018-2019 concert dates have been set!

WINTER CONCERT: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 at 7 pm
SPRING CONCERT: Wednesday, May 29, 2019 at 7 pm

~MSMS Music Dep't

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Select Chorus Audition Results

Congratulations to the 2018-2019 MSMS Select Chorus. Looking forward to working with everyone.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

2018-2019 House Band Auditions

House Band has some spots for new members this year. If there is any student who plays piano, guitar, bass, or drums and is interested in auditioning, they should see Mr. Mullen ASAP.  

Friday, September 7, 2018

2018-2019 Select Chorus Auditions!

AUDITIONS 2018-2019
Thank you for your interest in the MSMS Select Chorus! Auditions will be Wednesday, September 12th

A sign-up sheet is posted in the music area. Your audition will consist of 4 parts.

1. PITCH: You will sing “Happy Birthday” (Sing to anyone you want!) a capella. You may sing it any way that you like, including any vocal “stylings” you choose.

2. RHYTHM: I will chant some rhythm patterns, and you will chant them back. I am listening to see if you can keep a steady beat, and checking your musical memory.

3. TESTING YOUR “EAR”: Students in Select Chorus need to be able to hold their own part in challenging music. I will check your musical ear in a few ways.

4. MUSIC READING: I will check your ability to read music.


Q: I was in Select Chorus last year. Do I have to audition again?
A: Yes. ALL students need to audition for Select Chorus, even if you were in it last year.

Q: When does Select Chorus rehearse?
A: Students are pulled out of class for one one-hour rehearsal and one half hour lesson.

Q: Am I required to also be in Choral Union if I am in Select Chorus?
A: Yes, unless you are in another performing ensemble (Band or Orchestra).

Q: Can students be in both Band/Orchestra and Chorus?
A: Since Band and Choral Union meet at the same time, students must choose one or the other. Students can do Select Chorus and Band/Orchestra. Their primary Activity Block assignment will be Band/Orchestra, but they will rehearse with Choral Union the last Thursday of each month.

Q: What if I can’t read music? Can I still get in?
A: Yes! However, you will have to catch up once you get in by doing independent work at home with Mr. Mullen’s help.

Good luck!
~Mr. Mullen (email:

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

All Town Chorus Concert Was a Success!

Here is some video from the first annual All Town Chorus Concert!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Spring Dates

Upcoming Dates for the MSMS Music Department

Wed. May 16th, 7 pm. Spring Concert
-Students should wear their music department t-shirts
-Call time: 6:30

Tuesday, May 22nd, 7 pm. All Town Concert
-Students should wear their music department t-shirts
-Call time: 6:00 @BHS

Friday, June 1st, Trip to Laser Craze in Woburn
-Students should wear their music department t-shirts

Monday, October 30, 2017


The MSMS Winter Concert date has been set for Thursday, January 18th at 7 pm. More details to follow.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Spring Dates

Greetings, MSMS Music Students!

Upcoming Dates:

*Our Spring Concert date has been set. Our concert will be on Thursday, May 25th at 7 pm. More details to follow. 

*Our Canobie Lake/Great East trip will be on Friday, May 26th.  More details to follow. 

Kind Regards,
-Music Dep't

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

2016 Spring Concert Recordings






Upcoming Dates!


MSMS Winter Concert, Thursday, January 26th, 2017 @ 7 pm
  • Information sheet on dress will be coming our after vacation

Junior District Auditions, Saturday, January 28th, Time TBA
  • Students must register by Friday, January 6th
  • See Mr. Mullen or Mrs. Meditz for more info